Accreditation Standards Approved by the
Accreditation Committee
The American Accreditation Board (AAB) is a private and independent organization as an international accrediting agency for postsecondary institutions that offer certificates, diplomas, associate, baccalaureate, and graduate degrees, including distance learning.
The American Accreditation Board (AAB) is a private and independent organization as an international accrediting agency for postsecondary institutions that offer certificates, diplomas, associate, baccalaureate, and graduate degrees, including distance learning.
Training/Educational Accreditation Standards Approved by the Accreditation Committee:
ï‚·All member universities must provide students with books lists, library services, computer services and/or access to instructional materials required for the completion of the degree program.
ï‚·A member institution must have a proper and adequate system of student performance assessment.
ï‚·A member institution must develop acceptable course content for each course offered and for every degree program.
ï‚·This content must reflect the goals and objectives of the course or the degree program, how evaluation is to be carried out and expectations for anticipated student performance.
ï‚·All members of the AAB must engage in the self-evaluation of programs, the assessment of the faculty and administrative staff and the reviewing of the relationship between the curriculum and the goals of instruction.
A member institution should provide assistance, support, counselling, supervision of instruction, and other services appropriate to the student’s educational goals.
ï‚·A member university must make its financial resources of public record and must maintain sufficient capital income to sustain student enrollments and degree programs.
The institution must include a written statement of its policy on non-discrimination including (but not necessarily limited to) race, sex, and national origin.
Appropriate materials such as catalogues, curriculum guides and other official documents must be submitted by the new member school for evaluation.
ï‚·Accreditation is offered for a Three-year period and is renewable upon further evaluation at the end of the accreditation period. In addition, member universities are monitored during the period they are accredited and AAB may forfeit their accreditation if they do not consistently adhere to the guidelines, rules, and regulations of the organization.
ï‚·The faculty of the member universities must hold diplomas in the appropriate subject area for which they have been employed to teach or counsel students.
ï‚·Life-work experience credit may be accepted by the member universities based on accurate and verifiable information submitted by the student.
Students must be given curriculum; courses of study and other materials appropriate to the plan of their degree program.
The faculty of the member universities must hold diplomas in the appropriate subject area for which they have been employed to teach or counsel students.
A clearly defined and published statement of mission, formally adopted by the governing board, which demonstrates that the fundamental purposes of the institution are educational, appropriate to a degree-granting institution, and appropriate to the needs of the constituencies it seeks to serve.
The institution must include in its published catalogue/webpage a set of admission policies that guide the admission department in admitting students.
ï‚·A catalogue and/or other comparable official webpages available to students and the public that honestly and accurately sets forth pertinent information.
Introductory Guide and Accreditation Handbook
AAB Introductory Guide and Accreditation Handbook. Please download [Here] for your information and this guide is subject to update without prior notice.
If you are willing to comply with the above standards and interested in our accreditation, please apply here.