AAB Eligibility Criteria
The accreditation criteria depend on the institution quality standards. Evaluation commissioners use them to determine whether an institution deserves or reconfirms accreditation. The international accreditation criteria are processed through the Sector Reports Evaluations by the institution management; all relevant documents attached will also be assessed.
The committee verifies that the reports meet the international standards criteria: they need showing opening and flexibility to allow diversity and innovation. The Reports contents will be cross-referenced and should be consistent with each other.
As each institution is different in terms of philosophical foundations, rules and regulations, human culture, founding purposes and country reference frame work, it is considered that the critical quality characteristics included in the reports are appropriate to the educational standards of international organizations.
Institutions applying for accreditation must be suitable and meet the following minimum requirements:
1) The institution formally enrolls students and keeps records, documents and students’ academic data on a constant basis.
2) It has a students’ service specific department. It implements an in-service training process for its teachers.
3) It provides students with arranged teaching materials to facilitate didactic interaction.
4) It ensures continuous, two-way communication on students' work, e.g. by evaluating exams, projects and/or answering students' questions through quick feedbacks.
5) It relies on a pre-established reimbursement plan in case of cancellation.
6) It provides students’ academic information to employers, companies, organizations, enquiring about their study backgrounds.
The institution has clearly articulated outcomes for its educational offerings and has an ongoing outcomes assessment program in place designed to measure student achievement and satisfaction.
The institution maintains a permanent physical facility that supports its educational offerings and business operations in a professional setting. The facility is maintained at a fixed geographic location that is appropriately licensed or authorized, as required by local and state regulatory authorities.
The institution demonstrates that its name is free from any association with any activity that could damage the standing of AAB or of the accrediting process, such as illegal actions, unethical conduct, or abuse of consumers.
The institution and the institution’s owners, governing board members, officials, and administrators possess sound reputations and show a record of integrity and ethical conduct in their professional activities, business operations, and relations. The owners, governing board members, officials, and administrators have records free from any association with any malfeasance, including, but not limited to, owning, managing, or controlling any educational institutions that have entered bankruptcy or have closed, to the detriment of the students.